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Nutrition for Female Athletes:

Click here for AIS Education Module

High Performance Nutrition:

RYLIE ELLIS, Sports Dietician, practising at OPTIMUS Health Group, made this presentation to our VNL players on their nutritional requirements:

pdfNutrition Presentation

  • Nutrition Foundations
  • Pre-Training / game day
  • Recovery
  • Hydration
  • Female specific nutrition


LISA MIDDLETON, Advanced Sports Dietician practising at Lifecare Ashburton has  advised us about adding some health and nutrient-dense snacks to our kiosk options. 


Variety and choice

By expanding our canteen options, we are providing variety and new choices to meet a range of individual health needs and personal preferences.


Nutrition can have a significant impact on energy levels and performance, and the food players eat before and after games can make a difference.


Post-netball nutrition can help speed up recovery and leave players feeling fresh for the next training session or game.  Foods such as fruit, nuts/seeds, yoghurt and milk-based drinks are all great recovery snacks.

Health and wellness

We care about your health!  We are not trying to go too over-the-top with healthy canteen choices, but introduce small changes to offer you tasty options that are also good for you, to keep you both happy and healthy!                            


Please click here for the link to Lisa's monthly newsletter. If you visit Lisa's website she has a "THOUGHTS" page  where she posts a variety of topical nutrition updates.