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Coach's Coach Program

JumpStart!We are partnering with VicHealth to support the health and wellbeing of young people! VicHealth is giving 180 local ideas a JumpStart! in creating vibrant, active and connected communities of young people, from a share of more than $3.5million - AND Boroondara Netball Association is one of them! For more on JumpStart! funding click here      

Boroondara Netball Association, which currently provides sport participation opportunities for over 3500 women and girls, will trial a new, innovative social-learning model to develop coaches practice across community to elite levels. The program is structured to translate to behavioural change, not merely knowledge transfer. The aim is to build coach capacity across the ‘lifespan’ of a player, ensuring that women and girls are exposed to a positive and inclusive environment from the time they enter the sport and across the pathway, increasing participation and retention rates and positive health benefits for all.

This program will be facilitated by Boroondara Netball Association coaches and personnel, with support from Deakin University. Queries, contact Assoc. Professor Helen Brown on 0407 141 263 

What is the Coach's Coach Program? 

pdfCoach's Coach Program   

pdfWho is Ashley Ross?


  • To recognise the importance of sport in quality of life
  • To increase participation and retention in netball, particularly for females
  • To ensure that coaches feel supported and skilled in communication & behaviour (not just skills & drills)
  • To develop interpersonal skills which will in turn directly influence player enjoyment & ongoing participation in sport

Boroondara Netball Association currently has a Coach's Coach Program for VNL Express/ Power/ Juniornet coaches and also our umpires. The aim is to have this program filter down to our CLUBS so that grass roots coaches & players can benefit also!

Coach Observation: Training

  • Has a session plan?                                           
  • Engagement: tourch ball, involvement, min waiting
  • Fun: enjoyable, challenging, game based
  • Safety
  • Purpose of activity: know what success looks like
  • Instructions: clear, short, simple, demos
  • Feedback: individual, timely, questions

Coach Observation: Match Day

  • Early & prepared?
  • Connect with every player?
  • 3 - 4 focus points                                                   
  • Control of emotions?
  • Encouraging & supportive to BOTH teams?
  • Seek players' input first?
  • Positive?
  • What we did well / better / next?
  • Debrief = what happened (not blame)
  • Seek player's input first?
  • Coach and athlete talking (not just coach)
  • Forward plan for training?

Coach Performance Review = GRIP

G   Goal            
  • Objective and goal for session?            
R Reflection
  • What was good?
  • What was not so good?
I Input
  • Can I offer my thoughts about your coaching
  • Positive / negative feedback
P Plan
  • Keep / Stop / Start?
  • Action plan

Managing a Challenge = EGROW

E      Emotions     
  • Tell me about the issue?
  • How are you feeling about this?                   
G Goal
  • What outcome are you trying to achieve?
  • What will be the benefit?                         
R Reality
  • Why do you believe you are experiencing this challenge?
  • How much of this do you own?
  • Any ostacles?
O Options
  • Brainstorming
  • What are all the options available to resolve?
  • Which will work best?
W What now
  • Next steps > action plan
  • Commitment to follow through