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Junior Netball Pathway

Key Words:

Non-Competitive  no ladders, finals 
Motor Skill Development  the focus in JuniorNet G1&2 
Netball Skill Development          the focus in JuniorNet G3
Transition to junior competition the focus in JuniorNet G4
FUN! the ultimate aim.

Boroondara Junior Netball Pathway:

Note: equal gender opportunites for children in Yr6 & below - no restrictions on male / female playing ratios

  1. School years 1 & 2 > basic motor skill development relating to netball > Click JuniorNet G 1/2 
  2. School year 3 > netball specific skill development program > Click JuniorNet G3
  3. School year 4 > non-competitive netball matches,no ladders or finals > Click JuniorNet G4
  4. School year 5 & above > Junior Competition: competitive netball matches, ladders and finals 

Our junior sport philosophy:

"To encourage players to play in a cooperative way without the pressures of a "win at all costs" competition. The emphasis is on skill development, team participation and commitment, applying good sporting behaviour and, above all, enjoyment, ie) Non-competitive, Skill development, FUN!"

The Boroondara Netball Association accepts and abides by the Netball Australia Junior Sport Policy. Netball Australia Junior Netball Policy

Research by Netball Australia has shown that provision of an age appropriate, staged progression for Netball participation is an essential element in developing confident, happy and skilled participants. "Fun" is the most common reason children give for playing sport.

Introduction to any sport should be:

  • Age appropriate: recognising that a child's physiology, size, skeletal maturity, movement mechanics and cognitive development differ significantly from adults.
  • Non-competitive: allowing children to develop their skills at their own pace and without competitive stress.
  • Positive: ensuring that children experience a feeling of success and confidence.
  • Gender neutral: equal gender opportunites for young children (primary school age) 

BNA History:

The Boroondara Netball Association has coordinated a specific Junior Development Program since 1990.

Originally the program was called Netta Netball, an "untiered" program catering for all age groups in young children. In 2004, we introduced the Netball Australia FunNet program which catered specifically for children aged 5 - 7yrs with Netta catering for the older level.

In 2014 Netball Australia introduced the NetSetGo program, incorporating both Funnet and Netta Netball in a tiered program:

  • NET (Tier 1 / Funnet) = motor skills for children aged 5 - 7

  • SET (Tier 2 / Netta Netball ) = modified netball for children aged 8 - 10 

  • GO = non-competitive transition to junior competition

In 2015 we introduced our JuniorNet program based on Netball Australia's NetSetGo program and the Australian Sports Commission "Play for Life" and "Change It" programs. Our program is based on school year level rather than specific age groups. We have our own sponsors, uniform, and participant insurance. Our program has been developed by Associate Professor Helen Brown, Deakin University School of Exercise and Nutrition, whose research focuses on "behaviour change in sport and physical activity with a specific focus on sport coaching and inclusive practice". She has written the program 1) to ensure all children have a positive experience whilst learning netball skills and 2) to mentor and support young netball coaches as they too commence their coaching pathway.