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Grading & Fixturing:


  1. challenge stronger, successful teams
  2. ensure all teams have the opportunity to "learn to lose"
  3. allow weaker teams to experience some success
  4. challenge our Boroondara Power representative team players
  5. vary teams in sections each season to avoid the same teams competing against each other every year

1) Maximum number of games able to be played per day with 8 courts: 12 rounds with 10 min quarters = 192 teams per week.

2) Number of byes per team defined by number of teams entered and available court space > aim = no more than 2 byes per season. Fixture must be manually manipulated to:

  • accomodate individual team bye requests
  • ensure each team has an equal number of byes
  • ensure teams play each other the same number of times (often not possible so random) 

3) Attempt to limit the number of teams from one club in each section > often difficult as many club teams are social groups of friends who don't want to be split.

4) Power players > aim to challenge teams which include our representative POWER players as this is an important part of their development.

5) Previous season's ladder positions

  • percentages.
  • finals results (can be variable)
  • specific scores of matches to compare individual teams 
  • teams which have lost consistently in a season, are graded down so that they can experience some wins.
  • teams which have won consistently in a season, are graded up to challenge them 

Spring Fling differences:

  1. short 6 week season in Term 4
  2. no finals - all teams participate in the final week
  3. no byes due to the short season
  4. no forfeits are permitted
  5. teams have the option NOT to play if unable to commit for the entire season
  6. less teams participating
  7. smaller sections where teams play each other only once
  8. vary teams within sections to provide some interest.