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Codes of Behaviour

Netball Australia National Codes of Conduct: click here

Victorian Code of Conduct for Community Sport

The Victorian Code of Conduct for Community Sport outlines behaviours that are expected of every person involved in community sport and active recreation, as well as identifying the types of behaviours that will not be tolerated. 

The Code of Conduct

Every person - spectator, player, club member, official, participant, administrator, coach, parent or member of the community involved with the sport, should work to ensure:  

  1. Inclusion of every person regardless of their age, gender or sexual orientation
  2. Inclusion of every person regardless of their race, culture or religion.
  3. Opportunities for people of all abilities to participate in the sport and develop to their full potential.
  4. Respect is shown towards others, the club and the broader community.
  5. A safe and inclusive environment for all.
  6. Elimination of violent and abusive behaviour.
  7. Protection from sexual harassment or intimidation.

This Code applies to community sport, training and club sanctioned activities. 

Netball Victoria Codes of Conduct

pdfChild Safety Code of Conduct

pdfCyber Safety Policy.pdf







