- Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath
- Runny nose, sore throat
- Nausea, diarrhoea, loss of smell / taste, fatigue, headaches, conjunctivitis
– increases the likelihood of infection
What to do if you have had close contact with a confirmed case.
DHHS Fact sheet – close contact
What to do if you are a close contact of a person diagnosed with COVID-19 | Coronavirus Victoria
- Note: Close contact = face to face contact for > 15 mins OR sharing a closed space for > 2 hours
- Self -isolate for at least 14 days from the date of last close contact if no symptoms
- Repeat testing on Day 11
- Covid testing if you develop symptoms
What to do if you are unwell
- See your GP
- Get tested & self-isolate until results are back
- If negative test, must self-isolate until all symptoms have resolved
- Notify your club &/or BNA Medical officer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (GP)
Managing a confirmed case
of COVID-19
DHHS Fact Sheet – confirmed case
Individual care:
- Follow the advice of your GP
- Self-isolate with strict personal hygiene measures
- You will be notified by a Public Health Officer via your GP when it is safe to cease isolation
Contact Tracing:
- ALL participants = players, team personnel, spectators must record their attendance using the Servic Vic QR code app.
- Notify BNA Medical Officer of infection This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (GP)
- Every group is expected to keep an accurate record of every person attending each session so contacts can be advised
- The COVIDSafe app will be used by Public Health Officers to track and advise contacts (if they have downloaded the app!)
Player returning to netball:
- Medical clearance by a doctor is required for both their own safety and the safety of other participants.
- Long term decreased exercise capacity has been noted following other related Coronavirus infections (too early for specific Covid-19 research)
- Graded return to sport