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Find an Umpire

The Boroondara Netball Association provides and pays all umpires up to and including Year 9 teams and 1 umpire per court for Year 10 and above teams. We must find 208 umpires each week to cover all matches! 

Year 10 and above teams must provide and pay their own umpires for half their games only.

Clubs are strongly encouraged to assist in developing their umpires to avoid paying the Umpire Penalty Payment and to ensure your team's ongoing viability in the competition.

Players and parents have the opportunity of joining our Umpire Training Program to assist in their team's Umpiring obligations.

The Association can try to assist you in finding an umpire for your Saturday team. However supply cannot be guaranteed - otherwise we would provide all umpires for everyone!

Umpires, if you would be willing to umpire for a Yr 10 and above team, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thankyou .

Saturday Umpiring

All umpires must have satisfied the minimum requirements of:

  1. Theory exam pass (on-line)
  2. Foundation umpires course completed (on-line)
  3. Practical experience in umpiring
  4. All umpires must be registered with BNA and have Netball Vic state membership
  5. All umpires must submit an Umpire Availability form > sent to all umpires who register

Umpiring System: 

Summary: pdfIntroducing Umpiring

Senior Teams = Yr 10 and above:

Please note: If we had enough accredited umpires, we would not ask senior teams to supply any!

Each senior team is required to provide an umpire for HALF their games.

The Association will provide a panel umpire for the other half.

These umpires will umpire an AFTERNOON / SENIOR game on behalf of their team / club.

They may umpire as many other games at any level for the panel as desired.

Team umpires will submit an Umpire Availability form & will be rostered on by the Association for accordingly
ALL team umpires must have the minimum requirements outlined above and must abide by the same expectations as for all umpires

Senior team umpires may be either volunteers or paid by the team - rates as negotiated with your team.

Any additional games umpired for the Panel will be paid by BNA.

Should senior teams not have an umpire, they will need to organise for a team member(s) to register as a new trainee with a view to gaining a badge.

 Teams in Yr5 - Yr 9: 

Umpires will fill in their availability and the Umpire Coordinator will coordinate the weekly roster.
The umpire roster will be posted on this website every Friday afternoon.
These umpires will be paid by the Boroondara Netball Association at the end of each term, unless otherwise arranged.
Teams paying the Umpire Penalty payment do not have to provide an umpire any week. 
Teams who have NOT paid the Umpire Penalty payment must provide an umpire (or trainee) who is expected to umpire EVERYweek. These umpires are paid by the Boroondara Netball Association, not the team.

 Teams in Yr4:

Provide their own umpires for their own match.    pdfJUNIORNET G4 UMPIRE /COACH GUIDELINES


The Rule Book

Rules of Netball UPDATED 2024: click here

Click here to watch Netball Australia videos regarding the updated Rules of Netball

Click below rule changes for PDF explanations

Tactical Changes Positional changes & Substitution after a goal click here  
Goal after Whistle Goal scored is ball has left the hands click here
Centre Pass Checks     Players can appeal before centre pass is taken click here
Toss Ups No further toss ups click here
Short Pass Space to deflect or intercept the ball click here
Player Safety Managing injury incidents click here
Foul Play Unfair / Unsporting / Dangerous click here
Game Management   Proactive advice > advance > warning > suspension     click here
Advantage Refresh: Advantage vs Infringement click here
Contact 2 types: Interference & Causing click here
Playing the Ball Refresh: Possession & Repossession click here
Throw-In Don't have to wait for everyone to be on court click here

To purchase a Rule Book $20, click here

Umpire Training Program

pdfUmpire training program overview

pdfInformation for NEW TRAINEES

pdfInformation for BADGE TRAINEES              

pdfC Badge criteria

pdfInformation for UMPIRE TRAINERS            


Desire and enthusiasim to become an umpire !
Minimum age 13 or school year 7 
Theory exam completed (On-Line)
Foundation Umpire course completed (On-line)           
Current State Membership 


Complete your THEORY exam and FOUNDATION course : Click here
Complete a BNA Umpire Registration form to register as a new trainee. 

Umpire with an Umpire Mentor for support & advice

  • Mentor times for new trainees are the early morning games at 8.00, 8.40 and 9.20am

Payment: $8 until umpiring without one-on-one supervision

You are also welcome to umpire any Friday JuniorNet (Yr 4) match, unsupervised for practice. However this is something you must organise yourself and there is no payment from BNA.

Expectations: enthusiasm and commitment to learn the art of umpiring. 

  1. Confident use of the whistle: don't be shy!
  2. Basic knowledge of the rules: you are not expected to know everything - focus on 1 or 2 things each week and be guided by your Mentor.
  3. Basic hand signals only:  1) start / stop play    2) stepping 


Umpire alone, with strong support from Umpire Mentors 

Umpire times = any                                                                                            

Payment $10.00 per match  

Expectations: to improve umpiring skills, aiming to achieve a C-Badge within 6 - 12 months               

  1. Confident making calls
  2. Apply footwork rules
  3. Use most hand signals
  4. Start to apply the advantage rule
  5. Distinguish between contact & contest
  6. Positioning for best vision
  7. Using correct terminology for infringements    


Request to be assessed for readiness to prepare for your C- Badge - you will be guided by your Umpire Mentor
Umpire alone at any time  

Intensive training with a Badge Trainer - 2 afternoon matches weekly - until badge testing   

Additional practice can be arranged during our representative teams' training sessions on Mon / Wed evenings 

Payment $10 per training match

Expectations: aim to achieve C-Badge criteria see below


Umpire alone at any time    

Payment $18 per match

May apply to become an Umpire Trainer

C Badge criteria:

  1. Have reasonable control.
  2. Have good knowledge of the rules.
  3. Have a voice and whistle that are loud and clear.
  4. Have efficient announcement of decisions.
  5. Have good coverage of the court.
  6. Show good application of all general rules.
  7. Apply contact and obstruction consistently.
  8. Have efficient centre passes.
  9. Show awareness of the Advantage Rule and apply it, for example 'Advantage Goal'.

B Badge criteria:

  1. Have good control of the game.
  2. Have detailed knowledge of the rules.
  3. Have a voice and whistle which are easily heard.
  4. Make clear and precise decisions.
  5. Have a very effective coverage of the court.
  6. Show clear application of contact and obstruction.
  7. Apply the Advantage Rule consistently.
  8. Penalise all other infringements.
  9. Ensure correct and efficient centre pass. 
A Badge criteria: 
  1. Have excellent game control.
  2. Have a clear and detailed knowledge of the rules and interpretations.
  3. Show an excellent overview of the court and cooperation with the other umpire to give full coverage of the game.
  4. Be able to ensure that the game proceeds at the speed and level of the competition.
  5. Not be susceptible to external influences.
  6. Apply contact and obstruction rules together with all other general rules with precision and accuracy.
  7. Apply the advantage rule with skill.
  8. Maintain speed and efficiency for centre passes and throw ins.
  9. Handle toss ups effectively.
  10. Have ultimate control of all players and officials through correct procedures. 


How To Start

Read:  Umpire Accreditation Pathway

Step 1:  

Pass Theory Exam & complete the Foundation Umpire course - both online     click Umpires Courses        

Step 2:


All umpires must have 2025 Netball Vic membership (Netball Connect) as a player and/or "official".

If you have registration as a player, please also register as an "official".

Register via your club link OR email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the association link (if not affiliated with a BNA club)

Complete the UMPIRE AVAILABILITY form on-line
Read & accept the BNA Umpire Expectations & Commitment 

Step 3:

New Trainees:

Refer to Umpire Training Program   
Complete an Umpire Availability Form, registering your name in the spaces reserved for New Trainees.
An UMPIRE MENTOR will be with you for support.
You are welcome to umpire any Junior Net (Yr 4) games unsupervised (Fridays 4.00pm ) if you wish -for practice

Experienced Umpires:

Register your availability to umpire on your availability sheet, commensurate with your level of umpiring skill. 
Yr 9 & above team managers will be provided with the specific roster for their team umpire(s) at the start of the season.
Check the Umpire Roster each Friday evening to confirm your umpiring times.
Find an appropriate replacement if you are unable to commit to your rostered match.