All umpires MUST register as an "Official" with the BNA competition via NetballConnect (even if also registered as a player / coach). Use your club registration link and ensure you are logged in properly to register. There are NO additional charges to register as an umpire - the fee will be removed in the final step of registration.
New Trainee - new to umpiring > umpire early games with a Mentor
Consolidating - have experience but not badged > umpire any time without a Mentor
Badge Trainee - would like to train for a C badge > umpire 2 SENIOR games / wk
Badged Umpire - have a minimum C badge > umpire any time
Mentor of NEW trainees - must be badged
Mentor of BADGE trainees - to be ratified by Meg
Badge Tester - must have attended Netball Victoria Testers meeting
To be paid at the end of each term. All payments will be deposited to your nominated bank account (no cash payments)
I agree