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Umpire Registration Form

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All umpires MUST register as an "Official" with the BNA competition via NetballConnect (even if also registered as a player / coach). Use your club registration link and ensure you are logged in properly to register. There are NO additional charges to register as an umpire - the fee will be removed in the final step of registration.

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To be paid at the end of each term. All payments will be deposited to your nominated bank account (no cash payments)

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"For payments in excess of $50, made by Boroondara Netball Association for a service, where an ABN is not provided for taxation purposes. If this form is not signed and an ABN not provided, we are obliged by law to withhold 48.5% for the Tax Office. Please note : It is an offence to make a false or misleading statement".
I hereby declare that the supply (service) is made to the Boroondara Netball Association in my capacity as an individual, and the supply is made in the course of an activity that is a private recreational pursuit or hobby. Therefore, I am not quoting you an ABN. You should not withhold an amount from the payment you make me for the supply. I agree to advise you in writing of circumstances change to the extent that this statement becomes invalid.

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