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Facilities & Funding

Current Facilities:

Boroondara Netball Centre, Macleay Park, North Balwyn > click here

  • 8 outdoor synpave courts
  • 3 courts with lighting
  • Pavilion

Needs & Gap Analysis: 

BNA & Netball Victoria have submitted extensive data to Council Officers which indisputably supports the demand for additional netball facilities at the Boroondara Netball Centre.

Click here for a summary of the DEMAND & current LIMITATIONS

pdfSchedule of Usage Current_2019

pdfSchedule of Usage Desired_2019

pdfSnapshot of Participation data_2019

Required Facilities:

 ADDITIONAL COURTS ie) expanding footprint
  • Max 4 courts
  • 3 courts possible with minimum impact on surrounding ovals, at the far (North West) end of the venue
  • Additional courts must be at one venue, not satellite, due to
    • Logistics relating to multiple roles of individual participants over the day eg) player, coach, umpire
    • Parents with multiple children participating
    • Length of games only 40 mins
    • Competition & club administration
    • Camaraderie         

The Boroondara Netball Association is the sole provider of Netball Victoria pathway programs in this LGA, covering all aspects of the sport including player, coach, umpire and administrator development. In order to provide these pathway programs & opportunities, it is imperative that the facility is situated at the one location – many netballers have multiple roles over the day. They will not only play their game but also coach a number of junior teams, umpire a few games, train umpires/ coaches and attend on-site workshops under the supervision & guidance of our trained mentors. This is what differentiates a Netball Association offering pathway programs from a simple netball Competition.                                                                                                                                                                    


  • Only 3 of 8 courts are currently lit Note: NO LIGHTING on additional courts would be required
  • Main issue = child safety
  • Venue used until dusk for club /school training
  • Outdoor night competitions NOT a priority > this is a resident fear but there is very little demand for night competitions which are outdoor
  • Current Licence agreement defines hours of use


  • Original Feasibility studies catered for netball as the single winter tenant - small overlap with cricket
  • now soccer ++, scout hall users = boxing etc, playground users (improved playground facilities)
  • Significant safety issue & impact on local residents 


pdfMedia release -$1.2million for new netball courts

  • This funding must be spent before June 2021.
  • the grant cannot be changed or auspice swapped without the approval of the original grantee”                                                                                                                       

BNA is financially secure thanks to sound, responsible financial management practices and volunteer administration. We have our own significant funds saved specifically for the provision of “facilities and asset investment”