
Our JuniorNet G1/2 program is a junior development program which is based on the Netball Australia NetSetGo! Tier 1 "NET" program. It focuses on fundamental motor skills and has been designed to introduce young children to organised sport. 

It comprises a play based motor skills program for children in school years 1/2. The emphasis is on the acquisition of basic motor skills, in a fun environment of games and activities appropriate to the age and abilities of children in Years 1&2. Refinement of netball specific skills and their application to the game will be introduced when they reach the final stage of JuniorNet in Year 3. 

The guidelines of the G1/2 program are:

  • Children join the program as individuals, not in teams or clubs. We will group children with their nominated friends.
  • Younger players (Prep/ Yr 1) will be grouped together and the program is adapted to their capabilities.
  • Players are arranged into groups with 2 coaches / group.
  • Coaches are older BNA netballers / Boroondara Power representative team players who are also learning the skills of coaching.
  • Modified equipment is used 
  • Children rotate around different stations doing different games and activities.
  • This program does NOT involve netball matches. There is no organised competition structure. 


  1. Boroondara Netball Centre, Macleay Park, Nth Balwyn
  2. Friday afternoons, 4.00 - 5.00pm
  3. Terms 2 &/or 3 &/or 4  ie) one program per term - players may register for as many programs as they wish. 
  4. No sessions school hols, long weekends
  5. Children in PREP are eligible to join the program in Term 4. 

pdfWhat happens after JuniorNet G1/2

Dates 2024:

Program              Dates                                                          Eligibility                        
Term 2

April 26 - June 21 (8 sessions)

  • No session June 7
Year 2, Year 1      FULL
Term 3

July 19 - September 6  (8 sessions)

Year 2, Year 1      FULL
Term 4

October 11 - November 29 (7 sessions)

  • No session November 1
Year 2, Year 1, PREP

Costs per term:

      Term 2       Term 3       Term 4       

New players initial registration

Players who have a shirt from previous year           







Players registering for additional terms in 2024 (will already have ball & shirt)

n/a $95 $80

For example:

  • If registering for Term 2, 3 and 4 = $125 +95 + 80 = $300
  • If registering for Terms 3 and 4 = $125 + 80 = $205
  • If registering for Term 4 only = $110

To register: click here     TERM 3 FULL

Please note that this is a very popular program and we are limited by court space and coach availablity.   Therefore, it is strongly advised that registration forms are returned promptly.  Only those who have returned their registration form and payment will be accepted and registrations will close when full. Others will be placed on a waiting list for inclusion in the program if a place becomes available. It is inappropriate to arrive at the courts with a child expecting to play without being registered as this is distressing for the child (and us).



  1. Boroondara Netball Centre, Macleay Park, Belmore Rd, Nth Balwyn
  2. Friday afternoons, 4.00 - 5.00pm 
  3. No sessions long weekend & school holidays
  4. Cost includes ball, T shirt, insurance, coaches etc
  5. Participants register individually, NOT in teams / clubs
  6. Children are placed into groups of approx 10 (according to their nominated friends) with 2 coaches / group
  7. Coaches are older BNA netballers / Boroondara Power rep team players, who are also learning the skills of coaching.
  8. Modified rules & equipment -see below

pdfWhat happens after JuniorNet G3?

Terms 2 & 3            April 26 - September 6     
16 sessions 10 weeks skills + 6 weeks match play             
No sessions June 7, 28 and July 5, 12
Cost $195
Cost of you have a shirt from 2023            $175
Term 4 Players join a club / form their own team to play in the 7 wk Spring Fling

To register: click here   FULL

Please note that this is a very popular program and we are limited by court space and coach availablity.   Therefore, it is strongly advised that registration forms are returned promptly.  Only those who have returned their registration form and payment will be accepted and registrations will close when full. Others will be placed on a waiting list for inclusion in the program if a place becomes available. It is inappropriate to arrive at the courts with a child expecting to play without being registered as this is distressing for the child (and us).

Information about the G3 program:

Our JuniorNet G3 program is a junior development program which is based on the Netball Australia NetSetGo! Tier 2 "SET" program. Similar programs include AFL (Auskick), Hockey (Minkey Hockey) and basketball (Ozball). It incorporates netball specific skill development via activities appropriate to the age and abilities of children in Year 3, and round robin game play with the emphasis participation and FUN.

Modified Rules & Equipment as recommended by Netball Australia for NetSetGo:

 pdfJuniorNet G3 RULES  (same as Netball Australia NetSetGo rules)



NetSetGO! & JuniorNet


size 5 (equivalent to a medicine ball for a child) 

size 4


10 ft (equivalent to 14ft for a child)

8 ft (2.4m)


3 seconds (equivaelnt to 2 secs for a child)

5 seconds


3 ft (equivalent to 1 ft for child)

4 ft (1.2m)

one-on-one defending

no defending a shot at goal

Contact / Obstruction

Stand out of play

Not penalised but rule explained


No stepping

1 - 2 steps to regain balance is allowed


Rotation preferable in juniors

Rotated each quarter

Players experience all positions

Game Time

Varies Evenly distributed amongst all players


Only during intervals and for injury

Unlimited at any time

Centre Pass

Alternating teams

Taken by the team that did not score the last goal


scores / finals

no scores / finals




Key Words:

Non-Competitive  no ladders, finals 
Motor Skill Development  the focus in JuniorNet G1&2 
Netball Skill Development          the focus in JuniorNet G3
Transition to junior competition the focus in JuniorNet G4
FUN! the ultimate aim.

Boroondara Junior Netball Pathway:

Note: equal gender opportunites for children in Yr6 & below - no restrictions on male / female playing ratios

  1. School years 1 & 2 > basic motor skill development relating to netball > Click JuniorNet G 1/2 
  2. School year 3 > netball specific skill development program > Click JuniorNet G3
  3. School year 4 > non-competitive netball matches,no ladders or finals > Click JuniorNet G4
  4. School year 5 & above > Junior Competition: competitive netball matches, ladders and finals 

Our junior sport philosophy:

"To encourage players to play in a cooperative way without the pressures of a "win at all costs" competition. The emphasis is on skill development, team participation and commitment, applying good sporting behaviour and, above all, enjoyment, ie) Non-competitive, Skill development, FUN!"

The Boroondara Netball Association accepts and abides by the Netball Australia Junior Sport Policy. Netball Australia Junior Netball Policy

Research by Netball Australia has shown that provision of an age appropriate, staged progression for Netball participation is an essential element in developing confident, happy and skilled participants. "Fun" is the most common reason children give for playing sport.

Introduction to any sport should be:

  • Age appropriate: recognising that a child's physiology, size, skeletal maturity, movement mechanics and cognitive development differ significantly from adults.
  • Non-competitive: allowing children to develop their skills at their own pace and without competitive stress.
  • Positive: ensuring that children experience a feeling of success and confidence.
  • Gender neutral: equal gender opportunites for young children (primary school age) 

BNA History:

The Boroondara Netball Association has coordinated a specific Junior Development Program since 1990.

Originally the program was called Netta Netball, an "untiered" program catering for all age groups in young children. In 2004, we introduced the Netball Australia FunNet program which catered specifically for children aged 5 - 7yrs with Netta catering for the older level.

In 2014 Netball Australia introduced the NetSetGo program, incorporating both Funnet and Netta Netball in a tiered program:

  • NET (Tier 1 / Funnet) = motor skills for children aged 5 - 7

  • SET (Tier 2 / Netta Netball ) = modified netball for children aged 8 - 10 

  • GO = non-competitive transition to junior competition

In 2015 we introduced our JuniorNet program based on Netball Australia's NetSetGo program and the Australian Sports Commission "Play for Life" and "Change It" programs. The main differences are that our program is based on school year level rather than specific age groups. We have our own sponsors, uniform, participant insurance and coach development / mentor program.

Compulsory Requirements:

Minimum age

Year 8 (year 7 as an assistant)
Submit our on-line JuniorNet Coaching Application form                    Click here       
Complete the Netball Victoria on-line Foundation Coaching course        Click here
Attend the Coach Induction session= compulsory
 Friday, April 19, 2024, 4.15 - 5.00pm

2024 Program details:

Program                     JuniorNet G1 / 2                                       JuniorNet G3                                        
  • children in school year 1 & 2
  • Prep in term 4 only
  • children in school year 3
  • Fridays, 4.00 - 5.00pm
  • Fridays, 4.00 - 5.00pm
  • Program 1: April 26 - June 21
  • Program 2: July 19 - September 6
  • Program 3:October 11 - November 29
  • April 26 - September 6
  • Term 2: 8 sessions
  • Term 3: 8 sessions
  • Term 4: 7 sessions
  • 16 sessions
  • Max. 2 per group of 10-12
  • Max. 2 per group of 10
  • $15 per session attended
  • $15 per session attended


The JuniorNet program is a great way to start coaching for the following reasons:

  1. the program is non competitive & fun
  2. it is a non-threatening environment for young coaches as the children just want to learn and have fun
  3. the social environment is fun with around 30 young coaches participating each week
  1. all sessions are clearly structured and provided to each coach at the start of the program 
  2. learn how to structure a training session, observe and correct faults
  3. the main teaching points of each session are explained to all coaches before the program commences
  4. coaches themselves will learn the basic principles of netball skills, often lacking in their own game ie) footwork, landing
  5. skills and drills learnt can be applied to any age group
  1. we provide a minimum ratio of 2 coaches per 10-12 children
  2. all coaches are directly mentored by a senior coach 
  3. all equipment is provided by the Boroondara Netball Association 
  1. earn some pocket money 
  2. gain self confidence and leadership skills
  3. learn to be a positive role model as the children talk about you at "show & tell", bring their art work for you and eagerly anticipate every week. They will never forget their first coach!

Important principles for Junior Coaches:

  1. Ice and First Aid supplies available from office
  2. All children should have a drink bottle and wear a hat 



  1. All coaches and apprentices to read and prepare the session beforehand.
  2. Group coaches to explain drill to children while apprentices set up the equipment.
  3. Keep things moving so children do not become distracted or bored. 



  1.  Do not allow children to form their own groups to avoid less dominant children missing out.
  2. Never exclude anyone from the group.
  3. Try to mix & match so everyone gets to know each other.
  4. Method – line up and give every player a number (say 1 – 5), then same numbers pair off. 


  1.  Always rotate members when grouping
  2. Always rotate playing positions during matches
  3. We will provide a rotation roster for each group in the second half when match playing. 



  1. Need short, simple instructions, not essays!
  2. Remember different children learn at different rates
  3. Do not just focus on the dominant children; include the shy, less skilful children in leadership roles.
  4. Positive feedback always regardless of how minor the issue was.
  5. Praise good sportsmanship ++++
  6. Make every child feel good about themselves; never ridicule
  7. No negative comments such as “that was wrong!” – It is better to say “why don’t we do it this way?” 


  1. Always demonstrate the activity using your apprentices as examples.
  2. Repetition is boring 


  1. Seek the advice of an official if child being disruptive
  2. Do not discipline children by sending them off the court 


  1. Encourage parents to stand at the end of the court, not along side-lines or on the court.
  2. If parents approach you, please ask them to wait until the end of the session.
  3. If parents verbally abuse you or their child, please come and get one of us!
  4. If parents have a grievance, ask them to come to the office and complete a grievance form.
  5. Never engage in arguments in front of children. 








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